Hello from the Park Office!
It's Leah writing the blog this week and we've got updates for you! Diane and I thought you would like to know what's going on at this end of things.
We are operating at full steam ahead here; Diane has plenty in the works with the spring and summer styles all planned and the factories are working hard to deliver. However, you may have noticed that our new styles are arriving a little slower than usual. We thought it was a good time to tell you why.
As a small business that creates, designs, sews, and manufactures; all locally with fabric that is made in Canada; we are experiencing longer delays than usual. The factory that makes our bamboo fabric has raised their minimum orders and lengthened their production times. As a Canadian business relying completely on local support systems to operate ethically, it is taking longer to accomplish what is 'normal' here. Since the factories are not running at full capacity with less staff, there is a slightly longer wait time for the delivery of garments.
Many of you are waiting for a restock of our capri's in plus sizes, so we've added the option to pre-order the new arrivals in styles that are coming soon. We have beautiful new designs arriving as frequently as possible at this time.
Meanwhile we've been out on location in among the flowers taking pics of the new styles. Often these outings include entertaining the inquisitive and friendly people who stroll on by and start a conversation with us. They will smile, comment, and often compliment our outfits and ask where they can get them. I'll introduce Diane (because she is humble) and their faces light up when we say that you're looking at the designer herself and this is fashion made locally in Canada. They'll ask for the website so they can see more. One man who spotted us asked, "Is this photo for Miss May?". How sweet.
You'll have lots to get excited about this season!
Stay safe,