Teal Ribbon for Ovarian Cancer Awareness
Please take a moment and educate yourself about Ovarian Cancer. I know so many women whose lives have been touched by it. It's known as the Silent Killer because most women never even realize they have it until it's too late. The very best defence against Ovarian Cancer is early detection.
It's important to me to spread awareness, as not only did I lose my Mom at a very early age, but my Sister-in-law as well. You may have heard the story of one of my models, Elly Mayday, who at 25 years old was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Sadly Elly lost her battle earlier this year at the age of 30. Since then I have known several friends and acquaintances as well as an employee that had had ovarian tumours.
There is no one specific symptom for Ovarian cancer and these symptoms are generally vague, often attributed to other things and thus overlooked.
Please take a moment to share this information with all the important women in your life so that they’ll be aware too.