Behind the Photos – Get to Know Leah!
Diane Kennedy customers will recognize Leah Tuttle from our website and social media – she certainly features prominently. What you may not know is that Leah is our sales agent and has been for nearly 12 years. She knows the DK brand inside and out, so she was the perfect choice to join the team as our new Marketing Manager. We wanted to give you a closer look at this beautiful, accomplished woman, and tell you about the origins of her endless enthusiasm for this industry.
A passion for fashion set the course for Leah’s career. She’s worked with designers, artists, retailers, and wholesalers, as a buyer, as a stylist, and as a personal dresser. Every day, she finds new delight in seeing the clothes she gets to work with.
Leah is a multitalented woman. Sales and marketing are her forte, but she's also a chef, and cultivates organic botanicals for her own skincare line;
Leah grows her own herbal teas which we are currently enjoying here at the office. "Tranquility Tea" is how we stay balanced and calm throughout the day. The main ingredients are lemon balm, heirloom peppermint, chamomile, lemongrass, calendula and the legendary soothing blossoms of restorative French lavender.
Now that Leah has joined the Diane Kennedy team, she’s been discovering more and more similarities with Diane, our designer. Aside from red hair and green eyes, and their passion for fashion and cosmetics, both ladies have a love of organic gardening.
Diane and Leah have similar tastes in movies and books, and appropriately enough for the Halloween season, they’re both currently reading The Witching Hour trilogy; horror classics by Anne Rice. Around the office, you’ll often hear one or the other exclaiming to each other, “Oh, yeah – me, too!" With this much in common, it’s clear that theirs is a friendship for the ages, 12 years and counting.