Diane's Best Clothing Tips
The care of your beautiful Canadian made garments couldn't be easier! Whether you're a first-time or a long time customer, here are a few tips that will help you keep your bamboo and cotton garments looking their best.
Hang 'em up!
Hang up your garments and let them "breathe". By that I mean let them hang freely in your closet. Certainly, when they first arrive in the box from us, hang them up right away so the wrinkles can fall out. In most cases, this eliminates the need for ironing.
I've found one of the toughest stains to get out of bamboo is grease. A good soaking and pretreating of the spot(s) with a regular drugstore product called "Shout" for about 10-15 minutes (before washing) is the best thing I've found to remove them. In more severe cases you may have to repeat this step.
No Dryer!
The number one tip I have for the longevity of your garments (of all kinds) is to keep them out of the dryer. The heat breaks down the Spandex in the bamboo and reduces the life of the item significantly. This is also especially important for any pant or legging that has elastic in the waistband. Over time the elastic will lose its elasticity and your pants will not stay up! Instead, hand them to dry over a rack (especially for longer items that may stretch) or on a hanger. Shake them once or twice during the drying process to release any creases that are forming.
Another important reason to avoid the dryer is that the lint that you clean out of the dryer comes from your clothes. Over time this is another reason why your clothes may wear out.
Dry Spots (not greasy)
This little tip has served me well over the years and I wanted to pass it along to you. Have you ever looked down and noticed a small stain on your garment? Maybe it's a spot of toothpaste or from a meal. Try lifting up the hem of your top and using the wrong side of the fabric to rub the mark until the spot is gone. It's not magic, but I've found many small stains can be eliminated "in the moment" this way. Don't add water or liquid, just do this dry. Try it! This trick can work quite well for a spot that has dried.
If you ever lose a button off your garment, please feel free to contact us by email and we'll mail you a replacement free of charge. Please be sure to include the measurement in inches across from edge to edge so that we send you the correct size.
My mission is to create classic garments that will last you for years. I hope you've found something in these tips that you didn't already know. It's so easy to keep your clothes looking beautiful!