Be Gentle with Yourself

Body positivity is an act of self love. It is appreciating who and where you are in the moment and not subscribing to society's conditioning and expectations. We've been told for so long that only a certain age and size should get positive attention but that's not right at all.

There is no better you than the you that you are right now. Maybe your body has changed and maybe you are not 100 percent in love with yourself at this very moment. Body positivity means you relax those conditions and love the body you have, as it is. 

Kerosene Deluxe

But let's be honest, that's not easy. Most of us have 'off' days or 'problem areas' that aren't our favourites. Throw in hormonal changes during stress filled unprecedented times, menopause or medications and sprinkle with subjection to unrealistic beauty standards that are constantly forced at us and its no wonder we are often left feeling less than...

So how about we start with just being body neutral?

Yes, that's a thing too. Not ready for self love? Start with self kindness. Too soon to celebrate yourself? Accept and respect your body for getting you through each day with determination and sanity. This may come as a huge relief once you take the first step to accept yourself as you are. Science shows that adopting a kinder and more self appreciating attitude lowers stress. Self-Appreciation is about consciously acknowledging the positive within you without the need to compare yourself to others. By boosting your self-esteem you develop coping skills, handle adversity, and put the negative into perspective. 

Here are some tips to get you started:

 ~ Take time to prioritize your self care and do things you enjoy; its not selfish to put yourself first  
 ~ Choose a brighter colour to lift your mood. Maybe it's a new lipstick, nail polish or a pretty new tunic.
  ~ Be comfortable in your clothing, even if that means wearing a larger size
  ~ Don't dwell on things you cannot control
  ~ Do not compare yourself to another person's body (especially celebrities)

You are doing the best you can! 

We know there is no magical cure to fix everything but remember that you are MORE than just your outward appearance. You are a whole resilient being with an immeasurable spirit. 

Remind yourself that the number on the scale is only the mass you exert on the Earth, not an indication of your value and worth. 


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